Experience the Extraordinary


With Merry Ministries

November 1st – 13th, 2024

An Unforgettable Trip:

Your journey includes round-trip economy airfare from IAH, 4 and 5-star hotels, deluxe motor coaches, dinner and breakfast buffet daily, guided sightseeing and entrance fees.

Getting To See:
  • Israel
  • Caesarea
  • Tiberias
  • Sea of Galilee
  • Tabgha
  • Beit Shean
  • Masada
  • Qumran
  • Jerusalem
  • Garden Tomb
  • Mt. Nebo
  • Petra
  • & More!


You will be welcomed by our representative and taken to our hotel in the Tel Aviv area for your first overnight in the Holy Land.


You’ll begin your day with a drive along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea to Caesarea by the Sea. There we’ll see the Roman ruins of the great Theater and Aqueduct, as well a the Crusader city later built on this site. This is the place where Paul left for his final missionary journey. You’ll continue to Mt. Carmel where Elijah confronted the prophets of Baal. Next you’ll travel to Megiddo, also known as Armageddon. This is the place where Christians believe the final great battle of the world will be fought. You’ll travel to Nazareth where the angel appeared to Mary to announce that she would be the mother of God’s Son. This is also the place where Jesus spent his childhood years. From there you’ll drive through Cana where Jesus performed his first miracle as you proceed to Tiberias for dinner and overnight.


Today you’ll begin with a Boat Ride across the Sea of Galilee where you’ll stop for a devotional service. You’ll then visit Kibbutz Ginosar where you’ll see the ancient boat from the time of Jesus. You’ll continue to Caesarea Philippi at the foot of Mount Hermon, the ancient Roman city where Peter first confessed Jesus as the Christ. Next, you will visit Magdala, the birthplace of Mary Magdalene.

Here you will see the ruins of a synagogue from the time of Jesus with a large stone carved with symbols of the Temple in Jerusalem, the oldest carved image of a menorah found in a public place. You’ll continue with a visit to the hills above the Sea where you’ll find the Mount of Beatitudes. It was here that Jesus gave us the beautiful words from Matthew’s gospel. You’ll finish your day at Capernaum, the area where Jesus spent most of his ministry, and then return to your hotel in Tiberias for dinner and overnight.


You’ll begin your day at Tabgha, the site of the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes. You’ll continue to Peter’s Primacy, a beautiful garden on the shores of the Sea of Galilee with a chapel commemorating the morning meal that Jesus prepared for the disciples after the resurrection. From there you will drive to Beit Shean where you will see the Roman ruins of the ancient Decapolis city which was continuously inhabited for 5,000 years. You will end your day with a visit to the Jordan River for a baptism service before returning to your hotel for dinner and overnight.


This morning you’ll travel along the Jordan Valley on your way to Masada, the amazing mountaintop fortress built by Herod and site of the final battle in the Jewish Rebellion against the Romans. After your visit there, you’ll drive along the Dead Sea, passing the springs of Ein Gedi on your way to visit Qumran where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered. You’ll finish your day with a drive through the Judean Wilderness on your way to Jerusalem for dinner and overnight.


Today’s tour begins at the Mount of Olives where you’ll see a breathtaking Panoramic View of the Old City of Jerusalem. You’ll view the Temple Mount with the Dome of the Rock Mosque as well as other sites of interest in and near the Old City. You’ll walk a part of the Palm Sunday Road to the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus went with the disciples on the final night before his crucifixion. You’ll visit the Church of All Nations and the garden with its ancient olive trees. Next you will drive to Bethlehem where you’ll visit the Nativity Church and see Manger Square. You’ll see the Shepherd’s Field where the angels appeared to the shepherds to announce the birth of Jesus before returning to your hotel for dinner and overnight.


Your day will begin with a visit to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Next you’ll visit the Pool of Siloam where Jesus healed a blind man. You’ll visit the Southern Steps that lead to the Temple and then have an opportunity to pray at the Western Wall, the place most precious for Jews around the world. You’ll walk through the tunnel that goes under the streets of today’s Jerusalem with pavement from the time of Jesus. You’ll visit the Israel Museum which houses the Dead Sea Scrolls. You’ll view the Israeli Knesset, seat of the Israeli Parliament and government offices and finish the day with a tour of the Model of First Century Jerusalem before returning to your hotel for dinner and overnight.


You’ll begin your day at the Pool of Bethesda where Jesus healed the crippled man. You’ll sing a hymn in the Church of St. Anne before you walk down the Via Dolorosa, following the path Jesus took to the cross. You’ll walk through the fascinating Arab market and tour the Jewish Quarter where you’ll see the Roman Cardo and other sites of interest. Next you’ll go to the House of Caiaphas where Jesus was imprisoned for a night. Finally you’ll return to your hotel for dinner and overnight.


Today you’ll finish your visit in the Holy Land with a very special service of Communion at the Garden Tomb. After your visit there you’ll drive to the Allenby Bridge where you will cross into Jordan. After the border crossing procedures, you’ll meet your Jordanian guide and driver and go to the baptism site where the Jordan River enters the Dead Sea. This is the traditional site of the baptism of Jesus by John. You’ll continue to the Dead Sea Resort where you will have some time to relax and enjoy the waters of this amazing body of water before dinner and overnight.


You will begin today with a visit to Mount Nebo from which Moses viewed the Promised Land. From there you’ll go to the Christian village of Madaba to see the ancient mosaic map of the Holy Land. After your visit there you’ll continue to Petra for dinner and overnight.


Today you’ll explore the Red Rose City of Petra. This 2000 year old city was carved by the Nabataeans out of the native rock. It has been protected through the centuries by a ring of mountains surrounding the area. Choose between riding a horse or walking to the dramatic canyon where you’ll then all walk to the famous Treasury, carved in pink stone. You will continue past the Roman Theatre, the Corinthian Tomb and the Palace Tomb to the Roman Road. After finishing your visit in Petra you will drive to Amman for dinner and overnight.


This morning you will proceed to the airport for your return flight to the USA. You’ll arrive home filled with new insights and understanding of the life and land of Jesus.

At GOMEGA Travel & Tours, we’ll walk you through the entire process of finding and planning your ideal vacation.

Copyright 2023 GoMega Travel.

In observance of Labor Day, our office will be closed from 1.00pm on Friday, August 30th through 10.00am on Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024.